A Night of Fun in Khao San

After a long hiatus from blogging I am finally back with new content and raring to write about the wonderful city of Bangkok. I have put off going to Bangkok for a long time because I though it was just another metropolis with nothing much to offer. My resolution not to go there was somehow... Continue Reading →

Palawan Amidst the Torrential Rains

After quite some time on hiatus, I am now back in sunny Cebu after an unfortunate week of torrential rain spent in Palawan, stuck in the guesthouse and unable to go island hopping in El Nido. Timing does matter because instead of long shorelines and endless sun, you will be getting howling winds and rains... Continue Reading →

Pura Luhur Uluwatu

Southeast Asia is a place which has a profusion of temples and Buddha statues. Bali, aptly called the Island of the Gods, is home to magnificent temples but I have to admit that the one which impressed me most was Pura Luhur Uluwatu. Also known as the Balinese sea temple, it is precipitously perched on a... Continue Reading →

Kecak and Fire Dance in Uluwatu

“Cak cak cak”. On and on goes the chant from half-naked men sitting in a circle around a fire. They are in a trance, "cak cak cak". Inebriated perhaps? No. Got a little hash-hish in their system? Wrong again. This is the most stunning of all Balinese dances. Brace yourselves as you are about to... Continue Reading →

Cruising in Halong Bay

Halong Bay in Hanoi, Vietnam has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Annually, tourists travel to Halong Bay to marvel at its beauty and swim in its waters. However, very few really know the mystery that lie in its calm waters. The word “halong” literally... Continue Reading →

Beauty, Peace and Contentment in the Streets of Hanoi, Vietnam

Life is constant search for respite, for beauty, for fulfilment and for goodness. Everywhere we go we always look around to see the good and the beautiful. All these things I have found during my trip to Vietnam. Surprisingly, while crossing Vietnam’s busy streets under the scorching heat of the sun, while dodging loud motorbikes honking here and there, I found peace and contentment in the eyes and beautiful faces of the Vietnamese and when I say beauty I mean it. I saw so many beautiful Vietnamese women during my trip.

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